Creating a Lush Shade Garden

Imagine a dry, hot summer day when the one thing you long for is some relief in a tranquil spot in the shade.  Or walking down a winding garden path and spotting a small lush area of greenery housing an intimate dimly lit bench.  You sense a touch of mystery in the middle of the day as you proceed to linger in the shady nook and take a deep breath of fresh air.

As much as we long for sunny days, shade provides us with meditational respite.  A garden in the shade heightens and soothes our senses in a way that other types of gardening are unable to do.  A shade garden calms us with its serene beauty, subtle colours and interesting shapes.  Instead of bright, bold colours, shade plants offer us soft pastels and iridescent whites.  In addition, shade gardens are also easier to maintain than gardens requiring significantly more sunshine and have fewer weeds and pests.

Shade Garden Design

Before you can begin designing your shade garden, you must first decide what type of shade you have by keeping track of where the sun is and what sort of shade it creates for different times of day.  There are different types of shade that are essentially categorized as open shade, thin shade, medium shade, full shade and dense (heavy) shade.  Open shade is the lightest shade, on a scale of light to dark, and is the easiest to work with.  An open shade area is one that receives about 3-6 hours of sunlight in a day.

Shade Garden Design

Thin Shade  is next in intensity and is usually found under branches of trees.  This type of garden should receive an hour or two of full, unobstructed light every day.

Next comes medium shade, which is an area with reflected sunlight.  This area should be in the shade for approximately 4 hours of the day.

Full shade is generally found under the leaves of mature plants, which allows very little sunlight to filter through the leaves.  Finally, there is dense (heavy) shade found under mature evergreens or between buildings.  Areas such as this tend to be dark, cold and dry and not conducive to permanent gardening.

Once you have decided what type of shade your area experiences you can stay out to find the right plants that will flourish there.  You must bear in mind that shade changes as the seasons do and as your garden matures.  Therefore, be prepared to move plants around and have some fun with your garden.

There are a myriad of shade loving plants that can produce a lush garden.  Some plants that are ideal for medium shade areas are rhododendrons, daylilies, wax begonias, oakleaf hydrangea, wood anemone, fuchsias and impatiens.

Shade Garden Design

Plants best suited for fully shaded areas are ones that you can find in the woods, such as wild ginger, wintergreen, hellebores, trailing arbutus, pachysandra, ferns, hostas and violets.

The beauty of a shade garden is its informality and diversity of plant material.  For example, the following are types of foliage with variegated or coloured leaves that prefer some degree of shade. 

NameScientific NameColour
Blue Oat GrassHelictotrichonblue-green
BugleweedAjuga Reptansivory, pink, green
ColeusColeus Hybridsred, yellow, green
English IvyHedera Helix Glacierwhite, silver
English YewTaxus Baccatayellow, green
HostaHosta Speciesgreen, gold, white
Mock OrangePhiladelphus Coronariusgold in spring
Spotted Dead Nettle  Lamium Maculaturnspotted, silvery
Sweet FlagAcorus Americanusstriped with yellow
VincaVinca major ‘Variegata’cream edge
Winter CreeperEuonymus Fortunei Varwith white
YewTaxus Baccata ‘Aurea’golden

Different vines, perennials and bulbs also add variety to a shade garden.  The following are a few examples of what works well in a shade garden:


NameScientific Name
Boston IvyParthenocissus Tricuspidata
Clematis Species and hybrids 
Trumpet HoneysuckleLonicera Sempervirens
Virginia CreeperParthenocissus Quinquefolia
Winter CreeperEunoymus Fortunei


NameScientific Name
Anemone Species 
Astilbe Species 
BarrenwortVancouveria Species
Bee-BalmMonarda Didyma
Bleeding HeartDicentra Species
Calla LilyZantedeschia Species
Crested IrisIris Cristata
DaffodilNarcissus Species and Hybrids
DaylilyHemerocallis Species and Hybrids
Foamflower  Tiarella Cordifolia
FoxgloveDigitalis Species
Hosta Species 
Jacob’s Ladder        Polemonium Species
LilyLilium Species
Narcissus Species and Hybrids   
Phlox Sepcies 
PrimrosePrimula Species
Siberian Iris  Iris Sibirica
Stonecrop     Sedum Species
Violet Viola Species

Other types of planting work very well in shade garden, depending on what your need are you can venture into annuals and biennials and even ground cover. Here are a few examples of these plants for your reference:


NameScientific Name
BalsamImpatiens Balsamina
Black-Eyed Susan VineThumbergia Alata
English DaisyBellis Perennis
Forget-Me-NotMyosotis Sylvatica
FoxgloveDigitalis Species
Impatiens Hybrids 
PansyViola x Wittrockiana
Scarlet SageSalvia Splendens
Wishbone FlowerTorenia Fournieri


NameScientific Name
BearberryAsarum Species
BunchberryCornus Canadensis
Creeping PhloxPhlox Stolonifera
LilyturfLiriope Species
Mondo GrassOphiopogon Japonicus
PeriwinkleVinca Minor
WintergreenGaultheria Procumbens

One of the greatest areas for experimentation is with colour.  You can organize your planting so that you have colour all year round.  Here are some examples of plants that you may incorporate in your garden to give you seasonal colour:


Perennials and Bulbs

NameScientific NameColour
BluebellisEndymion Speciesblue/pink/white
Lily of the Valley    Convollaria Majalis fragrant white
Marsh MarigoldCaltha Palustrisyellow
PeriwinkleVinca Minorblue to violet
PrimrosePrimula Speciesred/pink/yellow /blue/orange
Solomons’ SealPolygonatum Speciesfragrant white
Trillium Species white/yellow/pink
Violet Viola Specieswhite/blue/purple/yellow  
Wild GeraniumGeranium Maculatumlilac-pink

Shrubs and Vines

NameScientific NameColour
AzaleaRhododendron Speciesred/rose/yellow/white /orange
Drooping LeucothoeLeucothoe Fontanesianawhite
Japanese KerriaKerria Japonicayellow
Mountain LaurelKalmia Latifoliapink/rose-red/white
RhododendronRhododendron Speciesred/rose/pink/white
ViburnumViburnum Specieswhite


Perennials and Bulbs

NameScientific NameColour
AstilbeAstilbe Speciesred/rose/pink/white
Bellflower     Campanula Speciesblue/violet
Black SnakerootCimicifuga Racemosawhite
DaylilyHemerocallis Species & Hybridsred/pink/orange/cream /salmon/yellow
Goat’s BeardAruncus Diociuswhite
Hosta Hosta Species & Hybridslavender/white flower
Japanese IrisIris Kaempferitred-violet/purple/blue-violet
Meadow-RueThalictrum Species lavender/pink/white
Purple ConeflowerEchincea Purpureapinkish purple

Annuals and Biennials

NameScientific NameColour
CuplflowerNierembergia Hippomanicapurple/blue/white
Fuchsia HybridsFuschiared/rose/purple/white
ImpatiensImpatiens Hybridsred/rose/pink/orange violet/salmon/white
LobeliaLobelia Erinusblue/white
PansyViola x Wittrockianared/rose/purple/blue orange/yellow/white
Scarlet SageSalvia Splendensred/pink/purple/white
Sweet AlyssumLobularia Maritimafragrant white/purple
Tuberous BegoniaBegonia x Tuberhybridared/rose/yellow/white orange/salmon/pink

Shrubs and Vines

NameScientific NameColour
AzaleaRhododendron Speciesred/orange/yellow/ pink/white
ClematisClematis Species/Hybridsred/rose/yellow/blue purple/violet/white
Glossy AbeliaAbelia Grandiflora   white/pink
HydrangeaHydrangea Speciespink/blue/white
SilverLace VinePolygonum Aubertiiwhite
Sweet PepperbushClethra Alnifoliafragrant, white


Perennials and Bulbs

NameScientific NameColour
Autumn SnowflakeLeucojum Autumnalewhite
CyclamenCyclamen Speciesrose/pink/white
EpimediumEpimedium Speciesreddish leaves
GoldenrodSolidago Speciesyellow
Italian ArumArum Italicum ‘Pictum’red berries
Japanese AnemoneAnemone x Hybridarose/pink/white
Ornamental Grasses gold/tan/cream
PlumbagoCeratostigma Plumbaginoidesblue
Toad LilyTricyris Hirtawhite
Wood AsterAster Cordifoliusblue

Shrubs and Vines

NameScientific NameColour
BearberryArctostaphylos Uva-Ursired berries
Boston IvyParthenocissus Tricuspidatared to orange leaves
BunchberryCornus Canadensisred berries
Sasanqua CamelliaCamellia Sasanquared/rose/pink/white
Sweet Autumn ClematisClematis Paniculatawhite fragrant
Virginia CreeperParthenocissus Quinquefoliared leaves
Winter CreeperEunoymus Fortunei ‘Colorata’reddish purple leaves
WintergreenGaultheria Procumbensred berries


NameScientific NameColour
CamelliaCamellia Japonica  red/rose/white
Climbing HydrangeaHydrangeaattractive bark
Heritage River BirchBetula Nigra ‘Heritage’attractive bark
HolliesIlex Speciesred berries
PansyViola x Wiurockianawarm climates – red/ rose/orange/purple
WinterberryIlex Verticillararedberries

Finally, to add architectural structure to your shaded area, use plants in layers at differing heights.  Here are some examples of plants you can use to achieve a magnificent garden of diversity in appearance:


NameScientific Name
Astilbe in bloom 
Bear’s Breeches in bloomAcanthus Mollis
Black Snakeroot in bloomCimicicfua Racemosa
DaylilyHemerocallis Species/Hybrid
Foxglove in bloomDigitalis Species
Goat’s Beard in bloomAruncus Dioicus
Ornamental Grasses 
Scarlet SageSalvia Splendens
Summer HyacinthGaltonia Candicans
Turtlehead    Chelone Species


NameScientific Name
BalsamImpatiens Balsamina
BaneberryActaea Species
Bee BalmMonarda Didyma
Calendula    Calendula Officinalis
GoldenrodSolidago Species
Hardy BegoniaBegonia Grandis
Jacob’s LadderPolemonium Caeruleum
Monkshood  Aconitum
Persian VioletExacum Affine


NameScientific Name
AlumrootHeuchera Species
AstilbeAstilbe Species/Hybrids
AnemoneAnemone Species
Bear’s BreechesAcanthus Mollis
Bleeding HeartDicentra Species
Forget-Me-NotMyosotis Species
Hardy CyclamenCyclamen Species
HostaHosta Species/Hybrids
ImpatiensImpatiens Hybrids
PansyViola x Wittrockiana
PrimrosePrimula Species
WandflowerGalax Urceolata


NameScientific Name
BearberryArctostaphylos Uva-Ursi
BugleweedAjuga Species
BunchberryCornus Canadensis
Creeping PhloxPhlox Stolonifera
IvyHedera Species
Lily-of-the-ValleyConvallaria Majalis
PachysandraPachysandra Species
PeriwinkleVinca Species
Sweet AlyssumLobularia Maritima
VioletViola Species
Wild GingerAsarum Species

Take advantage of all of these plants and create a lush garden of a wide variety of plants.  You will be pleasantly surprised at what you can do with colour and shapes.

Residential Backyard